Mortadela's Adventure

Mortadela's Adventure

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Mortadela’s Adventure unfolds the tale of four friends embarking in an adventure to accomplish a very special mission: eat the perfect Bologna Sandwich.
In this game, you must choose one of the four characters, complete quests to recruit your friends to the team, and finally gather at one of their homes to relish the iconic Bologna Sandwich.

But the burning question remains: will the bologna willingly embrace its fate?

My Contribution

In mid-2016, a close friend and I decided to create a game together to learn about the world of game development. We chose the user-friendly RPG Maker VX Ace engine and dedicated about 5 or 6 months of hard work. That’s how we brought Mortadela’s Adventure to life.

I worked on the logic and scripting, while my partner focused on art and map creation. In areas where our expertise fell short, like game design, audio, and narrative, we collaborated.

Even though we opted for an “easy” engine, the project presented considerable challenges. One major issue arose when we decided that the game wouldn’t have character level progression. Since you choose a character and later recruit the others, the game was very difficult at the start and became easier as you recruited more friends. To address this, we had to make enemies scale in strength based on the number of players on the team.

Another frustrating challenge was my lack of knowledge with the languages. This version of RPG Maker uses RGSS3, a scripting language based on Ruby, making my experience a bit painful. :sweat_smile:


  • Scripting
  • Game Balance
  • Quests
  • Skills Unlocks
  • Various in-game mechanics

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